I know, I KNOW, I should be SLEEPING, but (a) I'm still looking over some definitions for my Economics exam this coming afternoon and (b) OMG I just finished downloading the new
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest trailer and it is awesome. :D (Download on RapidShare
here. Scroll down, click "Free", then on the next page wait for about a minute and the download link will show up.)
Also, I may have been lying about that whole getting-a-new-header-layout-up-before-the-end-of-exams thing. Well, not "lying", really, because I have tried to make a couple of different ones, I just don't happen to really like any of 'em. :P I'll work on it. Sorry, people; never intended to make good ol' Veronica hang out at the top of this page for a whole school year... :P